
The Circle continues clockwise to the North.  Following introspection is wisdom.  This wisdom is knowledge that can be applied to the questions answered by West’s introspection.  Buffalo represents answered prayers and the abundance given for wisdom’s knowledge/instruction.  Buffalo also represents the wisdom required to walk the Red Road.  This is North – the direction of wisdom.

Buffalo is sacred to the Native people because this being gives abundantly to the people.  The Native people used every part of the buffalo for their everyday needs – food, shelter, clothing, and tools.  This Sacred being is also revered as White Buffalo.  White Buffalo is a sacred messenger.  White Buffalo Calf Woman gifted the Sacred Pipe to the Native people and taught them to pray.  White Buffalo is telling us today that prophecy is being fulfilled. (Jamie Sams)  Eagle always said the Sacred Pipe was a praying tool often used to pray for peace.  The legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Eagle and I enjoyed family drives to Elk Island National Park east of Edmonton on Highway 16.  Here we would see the buffalo in their wooded home.  Eagle said when he, his brother, and his sister were young, their dad would give them a nickel for each buffalo they saw on their way to the Park.  Sometimes he ran out of nickels!  But he still paid them in full.

When Eagle played the role of Jesse in the pilot, “The Beat: Sightings”, (a CBC production 1998), everyone was excited to see “Pete” the buffalo who appeared throughout the show.  Pete was a woodland buffalo whom everyone adored.  But we all respected him, too.  His owners said that they made sure Pete was fed while waiting for the camera so Pete would keep his good nature.  “The Beat” won the Alberta Motion Picture Industry Award for Best Drama Under 60 (1999).

Buffalo is the Spirit Keeper of the North. (Sun Bear)  The color of the North is white.

Eagle Child Music andTeachings

Buffalo represents answered prayers and the abundance given for wisdom’s knowledge/instruction.

Be in gratitude for “Buffalo Friendship” . . .
Be humble as you journey on “Buffalo Road” . . .
Respect Buffalo wisdom – “The Buffalo Song” . . .
Be all you are in “Buffalo Dreams” . . .

Enjoy the music and show your appreciation (funds maintain this blog).

Albums and downloads available in Eagle Child’s store.

. . . . and Follow me, too!

by M.

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© 1988 – 2019.  All the images and words of this post are copyrighted.  If you have a project that requires these images and words, please contact me for permission.
Photos of Buffalo are courtesy of Pinterest.