“Being Native is like having front row seats to an amazing culture.” Eagle was proud to be Native. While living in Sedona in the 1990s Eagle often met the “Coffee Pot tribe” at the Coffee Pot breakfast and lunch restaurant. There he once asked, “What part of you is most Native?” After hearing various responses Eagle said, “I was hoping you would say your heart,” while he touched his heart with his hand. Everyone’s faces dropped. Eagle was true to the Native culture. He refused to be influenced by the westernized views of the culture. Eagle did not accept the term “Indian”—Indians are from India; nor did he accept the term “Medicine Wheel” – he said the Native people had the tendency to burn wheels (smile). He preferred “Sacred Circle”. Eagle sought to teach the Sacred Circle … in presentations, in workshops, in music. Hence, his recording, “Music and Teachings from the Sacred Circle”. In person Eagle always honored the teachings with the voice of the Native flute.
The Sacred Circle.
“Music and Teachings from the Sacred Circle” is the essence of EagleChild’s presentation of the Native culture.
Eagle Child Music and Teachings
There are many views of the Sacred Circle. Each view is a reflection of the people’s teachings, their way of interpreting the sacredness of life. Perhaps each interpretation of the Sacred Circle is a part of the whole and, when they are all connected, they represent a unified direction to the human being’s earth journey. Eagle always said, “All paths lead back to the Source.”
Acknowledge the Sacred Hoop as you dance “to the Four Winds” . . .
. . . and acknowledgment of the four directions.
Enjoy the music and show your appreciation (funds maintain this blog).
Albums and downloads available in Eagle Child’s store.
. . . . and Follow me, too!by M.
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© 1988 – 2018. All the images and words of this post are copyrighted. If you have a project that requires these images and words, please contact me for permission.
For an excellent reference visit Native Circle, the longest running Native American site on the web.